Friday, August 6, 2010

How Quick Can I Sell My House

If I had a dollar for everytime I was asked this question I would be sitting pretty in my ]=mansion right now. But let me tell you something a little funny about this question that I'm asked time and time again by sellers.

When I go on listing appointments to meet a home owner that wants to sell they usually ask, "How long do you think it's going to take to sell the house?" Now granted, they ask me this question after they tell me....but no open houses, I can't give you keys, no sign, and I want my price higher than anyone else in the neighborhood.

Now if a seller gives me very little to work with then what should they expect in return? They should expect to sit back and relax because it's going to be a long and bumpy ride. I'm going to become a family member because you're going to see me for a long long time.

The fact is, it's up to the seller to give the real estate agent free reign to exhaust every marketing tool and access to the property to get the job done. Even if you plan to sell on your own their are many ways you can KILL YOUR OWN DEAL!

But it just doesn't stop at marketing and access, it also involves the main part of the transaction and that's when a buyer is found, negotiations, getting into contract, other parties get involved and getting to that closing table.

Any home can be sold quickly, if it's in a desirable location, priced right, condition goes with the price and there is access to get buyers in and every marketing tool necesary is used. Then once you've done everything to find the buyer, then you just need to cross your fingers, toes and eyes and pray that everything with the buyer and the home goes well to get you to that closing table.

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